Monday, March 14, 2011

PAXBeard Mania!!!!

New Layout, New Day, New Beard, Same Blog!

First of all, I'd like to shout out to my faithful reader base of Neckbeard Maniacs. Thanks to you guys, we were on the front page of reddit all day. Read the comments of a horde of angry neckbeards bitching offering constructive criticism about this blog and my empathy here.

Secondly, in celebration of the quarter of a million people that have viewed our beloved blog in the past 24 hours (thanks again reddit fags), NBM is now on Twitter! Follow @neckbeardmania for all of your Neckbeard Mania needs.

Finally, the moment you've all been waiting for. Ladies and gentlemen, I submit for your approval, the first beard of many to come in the week of PAXbeard Mania!

Look at these majestic beasts as they lead the way to boldly go where no Neckbeard has gone before (outside)!
The leader of this pack of beards walks with a purposeful stride. Almost as though sentient and socially aware, the creature ventures onward leading his band. Fiction you say? As strange as it is, the Neckbeard congregates once a year at an event known as PAX. At PAX he will find many likebearded individuals. For you and I, the curious onlooker, it is a magical and beautiful sight.
Join us tomorrow for our next installment, PAXBeard II: The Beardening.

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